Toby Ward is a senior e-business consultant with particular expertise in the area of intranet pl...
Robert J. Holland, ABC, has 21 years of experience in organizational communication. After working...
Lee Weinstein is 25-year public relations and public affairs veteran, having directed communicati...
Specialties include internal/external communications , thought leadership campaigns, brand/issues...
Mahmoud Arafa has been inspiring professionals to action through his nationwide public speaking a...
Connie Eckard, ABC, Ph.D., IABC Fellow, is a writer, editor, and mentor in Richland, Wash. Throu...
Seminar leader in Effective Presentation Skills. Focus is on three areas: Development of script(m...
Katie Delahaye Paine has been a pioneer in the field of measurement for more than two decades. In...
Jon Harmon is a communications consultant and author. He founded Force for Good Communications, a...
John speaks, writes and practices at the intersection of marketing, sales, and technology. He is ...
John Gerstner ABC*, President of Communitelligence, Inc., has career experience as a writer, phot...
John Deveney, founder of Deveney Communication, has nearly 20 years of professional public relati...
Joel Postman is Content Development Manager at Cisco Systems. Joel is a recognized authority on p...
Joe Williams is CEO of Joe Williams Communications, Inc., a 20-year-old research, strategic plann...
Joe Spratt is Director, Internal Communications at Seyfarth Shaw LLP in Chicago. He was previous...
Jill Feldon LaNouette is Vice President, PR, Communications and Brand Management at Kaiser Perman...
Jerry Halamaj has over 30 years of experience in human resources and organization development wo...
I have worked in integrated communications – the merging of online, influencer PR with trad...