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Presentation Skills

Presentation Skills

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On January 9, 2006, Howard Stern debuted his new show on the Sirius Satellite Radio Network. It i...
Here are 10 quick tips to help you add polish at the podium, enjoy your public speaking experienc...
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So how did President Bush do in his State of the Union Address? At the risk of being institutiona...
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Most people feel nervous prior to giving a speech.  This is human nature and indeed some degree ...
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Of all the advice I give to my media training clients when it comes to how to answer questions du...
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Al Gore has taken enough heat about his flat and wooden speaking style over the years to raise th...
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Public figures get in trouble all of the time and are then forced to apologize. Whether it is TV ...
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Very few people actually think of themselves a as a crashing bore, but a very high percentage of ...
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Far too many speakers attempt to look and sound smart by drowning their audience members in a sea...
Steve Sargent, president and CEO of GE Australia and New Zealand, runs through a four-point chec...
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The surest way to get quoted by the media is to attack somebody, even if it is yourself. Reporter...
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Many business communicators lard up their speeches with jargon and weasel words. The result? They...
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You have the best of intentions. You give speech after speech using strong visuals, compelling ex...
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Thousands of years ago, Aristotle wrote that believability is one of the three most important fac...
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So many presentations are boring because their pace is exactly the same throughout. Whether the s...
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We re all taught to avoid clichés by our high school English teachers. And this is good advice, w...
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One great way to get your message quoted by reporters is to state your ideas in the form of a rhe...
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There is one big difference between an informative presentation and a sales presentation. In an i...
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There is one big difference between an informative presentation and a sales presentation. In an i...
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Recently, the CEO-designate of JP Morgan Chase, James Dixon, was asked his opinion about a merger...
Showing 1 - 20 of 97 results

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