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Believability Is Key

Believability Is Key

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Thousands of years ago, Aristotle wrote that believability is one of the three most important facts in being a good speakerthis has not changed. A speaker must be believable to have an impact on an audience.

This is why it is so important to eliminate obvious issues that can easily destroy a speaker’s believability. Reading from a script destroys believability because your audience doesn’t know if these are your ideas or even if you understand the ideas you are reading. Excessive looking at notes inflicts the same damage. Obvious displays of nervousness also eat away at the perception of believability.

“If he is really so confident of his ideas, why is he shaking like a leaf?” your audience muses.

The single easiest way to come across as more believable to an audience is through your eyes. Give long, luxuriant, and steady eye contact to as many people as possible, one at a time. Do this throughout your presentation and you will be believed.

TJ Walker, Media Training Worldwide

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