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Disqualify Friday

Disqualify Friday

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If Robinson Crusoe were alive today, would he have discovered Man Friday on Friday?
While Friday is an official business day, its proximity to the weekend has made it a special day. For example, consider “casual Fridays” for work attire. “Telecommuting Fridays” for those who split their time between working at home and the office. And the Friday “no meeting day” at some companies.
As a result, you should think twice about actions you take and encourage leaders to take on the fifth business day of the week.
For example, avoid:
1.   Scheduling meetings that involve travel.
2.   Sending out press releases or other big announcements unless you want to keep the news quiet. (Even then, remember this didn’t work for Sarah Palin who announced she was resigning as Alaska governor on Friday, July 3. And more recently, Tiger Woods couldn’t keep his Friday, November 27 accident under wraps.)
3.   Launching a survey.
4.   E-mailing a request for action.
5.   Ordering flowers to be delivered to a traditional office.
As the saying goes, only Robinson Crusoe had everything done by Friday. But it’s not the best day to do many things.

What other actions should you steer clear of on Fridays?

Liz Guthridge is a consultant, author, and trainer specializing in strategic change communications. Department leaders of Fortune 1000 companies hire Liz and her firm Connect Consulting Group LLC when they need their people—who are confused, angry or in denial—to adopt complex new initiatives so they can quickly change the way they work. For more information, contact Liz, or 510-527-1213. Follow Liz on Twitter at

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