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Know the social technologies, then strategize

Know the social technologies, then strategize


Here at the IABC World Conference (Twitter tag #IABC09), much of the buzz is about “social media.” First of all, a lot of my clients wrinkle their noses at the term. I’ve started using “social technologies” which is not only more broad and approachable, but also less entertainment sounding. Let’s face it, being able to find the right subject matter expert because of a great internal profile, well, that’s not really “media” is it?

I continue to be amazed at the number of people who are talking about social technologies, but not actually using them. It’s some of these who whine: “my boss won’t let us do this or that.”
Some of these technologies have to be tried to comprehend and strategize, not to mention convince others of their value. So, how can you really do justice to the opportunity and potential if you aren’t playing in the space at all? Jump in and give it a try. Read, comment, blog, make friends – just get a feel for it all.

Once you understand what social technologies can do, ask yourself these questions:

  1. What business problem(s) are we trying to solve? (from the perspective of the business or end user)
  2. What business goal does this initiative support? How?
  3. Who are our stakeholders?
  4. What do we want to do with our stakeholders?
  5. Do we have executive support?
  6. How strong is that executive support?
  7. How will executives and other leaders be involved?
  8. Who needs to be involved, and can they participate enough from the start to ensure success?
  9. Can this initiative start small?
  10. Which superstars/rebels can be engaged in a lead role?
  11. How well is the organization prepared for the impending cultural and organizational change?
  12. What legal issues (e.g., privacy, discovery, retention) exist and how will we address these?

These questions will set you on your way to strategic use of social technologies that will deliver business results, as well as, great new communication channels. So, build some skill first, then get serious.

Stacy Wilson, ABC, is president of Eloquor Consulting, Inc., in Lakewood, Colorado

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