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Leaders’ Actions Scream Louder Than Words

Leaders’ Actions Scream Louder Than Words

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Robert Holland, writing in his Communication At Work column for, takes the CEOs of the big three American automakers to task for … insensitivity. He’s so on target:

“In the best of times, actions speak louder than words. In difficult times, actions practically scream. Just ask the CEOs of the big three American automakers.

“…these CEOs furrow their brows and talk to anyone who will listen about how their company must survive or there will be grave consequences, then they drive away in their luxury cars or fly to an executive retreat on a private jet – after depositing their latest bonuses, of course.

“How can business leaders avoid this problem? Here are some suggestions:

  • Examine every word and action with the same scrutiny employees will give it. Are employees maybe a bit too sensitive these days? Yes, but for understandable reasons. Hundreds of thousands of people are losing their jobs, unable to make their house payments or facing personal challenges unseen in decades. Forgive them if they’re not in the mood to hear about another executive bonus.
  • Offer specific plans and ideas. This is no time for vague generalities about what the company is doing to cope with difficult financial times. It’s time to bring employees – the engine that keeps companies going even when things are tough – into the fold. Treat them like grown-ups. Tell them the truth. Listen to them.
  • Seek balance. Maybe this year’s company holiday party shouldn’t be as opulent as it was last year, but it’s probably OK to still have one. Employees need some sense of normalcy amid the chaos.”

Read the entire article

And for another good take on communicating with employees during a downturn, read Holland’s article: Most business leaders aren’t talking with employees about financial crisis.

By Robert Holland

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