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“Nice” Sells The Speaking Audience

“Nice” Sells The Speaking Audience

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The “nicer” you are perceived by your audience, the more likely you will succeed as a speaker. If you are viewed as “nice,” those listening to you are more inclined to believe you, pay attention to you, accept you and buy into you and your ideas.

So how can you seem more likeable as a speaker?

1. Meet, greet, and shake hands with as many audience members before you begin your speech. A grad, dramatic entrance at the beginning of your speech only works if you are a well-known celebrity who is already beloved.

  1. Smile, as much as possible, as long as it is not inappropriate. Smile before you speak your first word and after your have finished your speech.

  2. Occasionally speak from a position of empathy. Don’t simply lecture from a position of authority. Occasionally change your point of view to surface concerns of your audience.

  3. Don’t dash off the second your speech is over. Instead, stay in the room, shake every hand, ask people what their thoughts are, answer questions. Generally, don’t act like a prima donna and you will make a likeable impression.

Finally, covey a sense of fun when you are speaking. Act like you are having fun and that you are fun—this is a big ingredient in being likable. A wink here, a smile there, an occasional laugh (especially at yourself) will go a long way toward making you likeable and therefore more believable and effective. 

TJ Walker, Media Training Worldwide

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