Play at your work and work at your play. Do the right thing for the right reason in the right way...
Steven Covey had the right idea. There are discreet skills and attitudes, habits if you will, th...
Dick Weiss of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch does some neat stuff on writing in his Weiss on Writin...
Communities of Practice Definitions by Richard McDermott* SHORT VERSION A community of practice i...
Writing good is a big deal these days. A bigger deal then math, according to my friends and I, bu...
The best time to discuss the forces of change is well in advance of the organization’s resp...
Cartoons Archive Copyright, Grantland Enterprises. May not be reproduced. Co...
A woman from the audience followed me into the hallway. “I think we’re married to the...
“We could all be billionaires. Politics are all invalid. War is obsolete.” R. Buckmi...
DIGITAL DAD Don Tapscott “For the first time in human history, children are an authority on...
Manuel Castells Cyber-Scientist “The illusion we can live on a wonderful, shrinking planet,...
Cyber-Realist Esther Dyson We haven’t created a perfect society on earth, and we won’...
Cliff Stoll Cyber-Skeptic “I’m not afraid of technology. I love the technology, but ...
Cyber-Architect Nicholas Negroponte He helped build it, and they are definitely coming. It’...
Cyber Cowboy John Perry Barlow “Imagine discovering a continent so vast that it may have n...
In addition to keeping on the right side of the law, it’s important to realize that simply writi...
The National Automatic Merchandising Association (NAMA) — the vending machine industry ass...
It’s easy to play up the adversarial relationship between “Hacks” and “Flacks,” but the truth of...
It is interesting that the word ‘consultant’ derives from the Latin, consultare, meaning to deba...
I’ve been paying attention to the things that command attention, both of myself and others, and ...