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Why do we think of so many great ideas in the shower? Four conditions are generally in play: Ou...
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As anyone who has crammed for an exam can tell you, usually the number of hours we work without i...
Your workplace is filled with liars! How do I know? I’ve got this straight from one of the foremo...
Looking to increase your business’ sales? Don’t spend all your time thinking about ho...
If you’re the head of your company, you have to be able to define not just what your compa...
Fortunately, it’s easy to build trust in a business relationship. Here are the rules, based...
I’ve been a “quality” person after reading Pirsig’s book some 10 odd year...
This is a bibliography of writing books I recommend in my seminars. You may order most of these b...
Film and now electronic images have been influencing world events for almost a century now. The p...
Lost in time, Lisbon, Portugal, 2004 I shot this scene from the top of Lisbon’s fa...
The familiar profile of Half Dome is over eight miles from this viewpoint, which is just beyond ...
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As a leader, you must understand that your stakeholders are watching you, most every minute, most...
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CHICAGO (Reuters) – Forget about what mom said about keeping your hands in your lap while t...
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By John Gerstner – CEO, Communitelligence, ABC Copyright 2000 It occurs to me that my offic...
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Michael J. Petrillose, Ph.D.  Assistant Professor, Hospitality Management, SUNY Delhi Diane Gayes...
Judy Gombita spotted this list of Great Literary Taunts: “A modest little person, with muc...
One of the most debated questions in all of journalism is how to handle direct quotations. Journa...
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Of the three words in your book’s title, “Intelligent Wireless Web” the word &#...
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Last year, a friend who works in corporate communication for a major local company advised me to ...
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Our organization has been planning this summer. I want to be able to anticipate and prepare to bu...
Showing 1 - 20 of 940 results

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