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How Well Do You Know Your CEO?

How Well Do You Know Your CEO?

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Whether you directly report to your CEO or not, the CEO is typically an internal communicator’s customer. So how well do you know this customer? Do you know his/her goals, outside interests, or what’s challenging him/her?  If not, time to do some audience analysis.

A quick review of hard research and informal information gathering will provide insight into the minds of CEOs. Consider this data from the IBM study, Capitalizing on Complexity: Insights from the Global Chief Executive Officer. Findings state that enterprises today are not equipped to cope effectively with the rapid escalation of “complexity” in the global environment, which is named as the biggest challenge confronting CEOs. How can communicators use their knowledge to help CEOs with this challenge?

Other studies include the Strategic Planning CEO survey (Financial Dynamics, Forbes Insights, Association for Strategic Planning and the Council of PR Firms) which states that CEO’s believe that lack of understanding/communication is a leading factor of why business strategies fail.  This presents a great opportunity for communicators. So, when was the last time you talked to your CEO about business strategy?

Informal information gathering is a way to gain an even better understanding of your CEO. Try and schedule regular meetings, even if they are brief, to get to know both business and personal sides of your CEO. What’s his/her family situation, top priority each day, who he/she admires, and outside interests? What does he/she read that you might also read to create a source for you to make conversation with your CEO.

Rate your CEO on his/her communication level so you have a better understanding of how much and what type of work you are in for when working with this customer. Does he/she have an excellent or poor level of communication understanding (impact, process, complexity)?  Does he or she have a good but could use some coaching or poor and doesn’t care level of communication ability?

While communicators are constantly conducting audience analysis on different segments of their employee audience/customers, they often overlook the CEO. Take time out to get to know this key audience. Doing so will allow you to build a stronger and more effective working relationship with your CEO.


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